this is zeebo! i made him in 2021 out of crayola modeling clay and he's been with me since, surviving two moves. he's sort of like a site mascot/pet/trusted confidant. at some point i'd like to take a photogrammetry scan of him and put the gif up on this page.

zeebo was born on an african wildlife reserve to a family of zebras and left to fend for himself on the plains. there he became extremely skilled in the art of not getting stepped on by elephants. he caught passage to massachusetts on a carnival cruiseline ship which capsized as soon as it got to port (known problem for carnival cruise ships). everything he knows about boating he learned on that cruise from captain emilio estevez (no relation to that emilio estevez). he now works security detail at the new bedford whaling museum. he says it pays the bills.

zeebo's likes: ginger (plant), dinner parties at TGIF's, prog rock

zeebo's dislikes: turtleneck sweaters, whales
